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Hip Fat: Actionable Steps to Burn it
Additionally, fat in the body, hip fat, love handles or back fat, is not only a source of energy under the right conditions: it’s also...
Additionally, fat in the body, hip fat, love handles or back fat, is not only a source of energy under the right conditions: it’s also...
Women’s fashion accessories abound in the marketplace. They allow you to confidently walk down the streets of your neighbourhoods and cities as you go about your day to day activities. To achieve this, you must feel comfortable and beautiful in your ensemble. This will requ
“Muffin top” is the bulgy area of your midsection that interferes with your trim and slim look whenever you wear slim-fitting clothes. A muffin top and large belly don’t just disrupt your wardrobe choices.
Losing stubborn arm fat can be difficult, mainly if it’s focused on a specific part of your body. There are so many frequently asked questions in our inbox regarding arm fat.
Body fat is a social status symbol in some African cultures and social symbols back in the day. These days, back fat is a source of many fashion and health concerns. Getting rid of it can be difficult for many people.
In this week’s article, let’s delve into dispelling the corset myths and arguments. Our inbox is spilling over the brim with questions regarding this particular fashion wear. Well, you have spoken, and we have listened as always. Let’s get right to it.
The postpartum belly brouhaha! This is a constant source of headaches for all new mothers. Before you get anxious about getting your pre-baby body back — or even just returning to your previous routine, let’s celebrate your birthing journey. But — be kind to yourself! Befor
Love handles, flanks, derriere, those protruding bits above your hips. This is a bothersome part of the body. It often seems unresponsive to diet (I know some slim women who battle love handles), and exercise hardly alters them as they aren’t part of your major (or everyday use