
Hip Fat: Actionable Steps to Burn it

Hip fat! What is not to love about a pair of rounded hips with the right amount of fat in the right angles. We all love to stare, whether out loud or in our heads, whenever we spot a pair of well-rounded hips roll away with a half sashay down the street, especially in tight-fitting clothes.

Even as the pictures of thin models, fit Instagram stars, and size zero celebrities continue to make waves, a study published in the International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology, and Education points to a different reality for most women.

The 2016 study found that the average woman wears between a misses size 16-18. Suffice it to say that most women have more curves and have wider hips than the images we see on TV or online. This message is imperative since many women struggle/refuse to see and appreciate the power of their beautiful bodies.

The 2016 study found that the average woman wears between a misses size 16-18. Suffice it to say that most women have more curves and have wider hips than the images we see on TV or online. This message is imperative since many women struggle/refuse to see and appreciate the power of their beautiful bodies.

Every lady understands that a structured ratio of the hip to waist is frequently desirable. This so-called sex-specific fat appears to be medically beneficial to women, at least during pregnancy. Beautifully curved hips show a beautiful hourglass figure and improve the appearance of a lady in clothes.

Additionally, fat in the body, hip fat, love handles or back fat, is not only a source of energy under the right conditions: it’s also a vitamin storage site, a component of brain tissue and a structural part of cell membranes.

Furthermore, it protects internal organs and insulates the body from cold. Sadly, the hips region is also prone to accumulate unwanted deposits of fats.

As much as we love to stare at the lovely shape, it does have an aesthetic drawback in the name of fat. Although fascinating distinctions occur depending on age, lifestyle and male or female, we all tend to plump up in those areas at some point in our lives.

Fat deposits are driven by hormones around the pelvis, buttocks, and women’s hips and men’s midsection. A common phenomenon is that as we age, most of us gain fat and weight—roughly 10% of our body weight every decade during adulthood.

The Advantages of Wide Hips

Indeed as mentioned earlier, it’s not just doom and gloom when it comes to hip fat or is it? The reality is that it is healthy for women to possess curves, especially around the hips, as it has a biological purpose.

According to the experts, “Women are built completely different than men, and it’s for a biological purpose,” explains Dr Heather Bartos, a board-certified OB-GYN.

Yes, some women desperately desire straight, narrow hips. Dr Bartos says those curves, or what we like to call “birthing hips,” usually provide a genetic upside. Simply put, big hips, including the shape, give a baby an easier passage.

Dr Bartos further states that the fat position in the buttocks area reveals that healthy oestrogen is present. Unlike midsection obesity in the central region, fat around the midsection is connected with the “bad” estrogen hormone. This can cause cardiovascular disease and trouble becoming pregnant.

Understanding the various sources of hip fat gives you better leverage to manage and decrease fat naturally.

As stated earlier, another advantage of having hip fat is that it is a healthy storage area. Experts have discovered that, with normal-weight people, a massive indicator of unhealthy body metabolism was a low accumulation of fat around the lower body region. In other words, more fat deposited in the lower body seems to be protective against internal metabolic problems for people with average weight.

This can be attributed to the fact that when fat is stored in the lower body, it stays in the location, not moving around the body. Still, if it is not stored in the lower body, it could end up in more “dangerous” and prominent places, such as around the heart or liver, the experts said.

Do You Need to Shrink Hip Fat?

To answer the question, let us first understand that the first step is to embrace your body and realize that broad hips are natural and healthy. However, the overall design and shape of your hips cannot be modified.

There are healthy and safe ways of shaping up if you desire to emphasize your curves and tone your hips’ muscles. However, you can’t spot-reduce fat in just one part of your body. It cannot be overemphasized that you can’t employ spot reduction of fat on any part of your body; overall, it is not a healthy approach.

You can trim hip fat by losing overall body fat the healthy way. You can do this through regular fat burning exercises, cutting back on calories, and toning your lower body. Luckily, these spares around the hips are responsive to exercise and a lower calorie diet. Let’s look at some of the options.

Calories Changes to Lose Hip Fat.

This is my fav. Eat less than you burn each day. Reducing calorie intake promotes weight loss when you eat less than you burn each day. Most people can stimulate their metabolism into weight reduction mode by having a caloric deficit of between 250 and 1,000 calories per day, resulting in 1/2 to 2 pounds of fat lost every week.

A combination of food and physical exercise generates the deficit. Cutting a significant amount of calories isn’t always achievable, though. As with all things, moderation is essential; you don’t want to consume fewer than 1,200 calories a day because this technique typically backfires if done in excess.

You’re starving, your metabolism stops, and you lose a substantial quantity of vital, lean tissue. It is advised to talk to your dietician or doctor before you start this journey.

Determine your average calorie burn every day using an online calculator, then deduct 250 to 500 calories to obtain your desired intake for weight reduction. Keep a record and do this for a week to get the rhythm of how your body works. Add 250- to 500-calories’ worth of activity to improve the burn rate and hence the deficit.

Eat Right to Burn Hip Fat.

Drinks containing sugar, whether diet sugar or alcohol, such as soda, beers and energy drinks, contain many harmful calories that lead to visceral fat accumulation in all the wrong places.

A 2009 research published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation has shown that routinely drinking fructose-sweetened beverages, including soda, is associated with increased visceral fat.

Stop consuming them as well as other sources of refined sugar, including pastries and candies. Here are some food types and how they help on this journey to burning your hip fat.

    • Whole grains, veggies and lean meats should be the bulk of your meals.  
    • Whole grains and veggies also include a lot of fibre, which helps keep you feeling full for longer and cleans out your digestive tract.  
    • Replace white bread and spaghetti with choices such as brown rice or barley.
    • Watery, green veggies, such as lettuce, waterleaf, spinach, kale, peppers and broccoli, give little calories but contain a richness of nutrients and anti-oxidants.

Observe portion sizes during meals. No over-feeding. Too much of any food can erase your deficit and hinder you from burning your hip fat.

Exercise to Reduce Your Hip Fat.

Crunching, side bending, and twisting your torso make you feel like you’re chipping away your hip fat, but these are not the most effective workouts. You can’t move fat away from specific regions; you can only reduce fat all over your body.

An exercise waist trainer and complete physical fitness program will make your body burn more calories overall, this is superior to treat your hip fat.

Do you remember Cynthia Nwadiora, also known as CeeCee, 1st runner up of the Big Brother Naija 2018 edition? Do you remember how she was fixated on working on her body and shape on the exercise benches and various aerobic exercises? Do you remember how well curved and toned her body looked six months after the programme?

Yes, that is usually the result of sticking to your goals. In this case, you need to stick to various exercises designed to reduce or sculpt your hips region and help you lose weight all around.

Also, The Rush University Medical Centre emphasizes that a physically active lifestyle is your best defence against any form of obesity.

If you can’t schedule gym time during your days or weeks, then constantly increase the amount of physical activity you engage in during your day. This implies that you should obtain the required 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise — or 30 minutes five times a week — as well as engage in strength training in all your main muscle groups.

Here are some ways to get started.
    • To burn 250 to 500 calories, a 180-pound individual can cycle an elliptical trainer for 30 minutes to burn 400 calories.  
    • Walk for 60 minutes at four mph to burn 400 calories, or jog for 30 minutes to burn a little over 250 calories. 
    • Do not forget to engage some side planks as well. 
    • Combine strength training and weight lifting with HIIT. It helps you burn extra calories, keeps you energized, and creates a calorie deficit required to lose fat if done right.

After all the exercises and great food, ensure you take the entire cycle of sleep and rest as these two activities also help you lose weight and maintain your heart.

Now it’s your turn. After reading this post, you now have all the knowledge you need to decide on how to handle your hip fat. At least you have a couple of ideas on if /how to lose or reduce hip fat over the coming weeks.

Find a balance when combining all three suggestions, love yourself and give your body time to adjust to the new changes.

Make sure you talk to a health expert and plan a suitable strategy for your body type if you decide to lose hip fat. Stick to the method you choose and ensure that you consistently exercise and eat appropriately. Go on and take action towards better overall health now!

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