In this week’s article, let’s delve into dispelling the corset myths and arguments. Our inbox is spilling over the brim with questions regarding this particular fashion wear. Well, you have spoken, and we have listened as always. Let’s get right to it.

Love handles, flanks, derriere, those protruding bits above your hips. This is a bothersome part of the body. It often seems unresponsive to diet (I know some slim women who battle love handles), and exercise hardly alters them as they aren’t part of your major (or everyday use

After liposuction, one primary concern for women is that their skin will become stretched; also, their figure will not sculpt the way they expect. Liposuction is an aesthetic surgical procedure during which a small cut eliminates the body fat under the skin in specific areas of t

It’s common knowledge that a bulging size 16 waistline can be very intrusive on your fashion plans. Want to get into that beautiful size ten shirt or knee-length LBD for that special or momentous occasion? Enter plus-size waist trainer to the rescue! What is a girl to do when s