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Postpartum Comfort Girdles should be every New Mum’s Best Friend. Here’s Why
After childbirth, many new moms begin to wonder how to effectively and swiftly make their bodies heal and regain their shape. A woman’s midsection undergoes a 180 transformation during pregnancy which is caused by a lot of factors. This is why a comfort girdle is important.
Postpartum comfort girdles are compression garment that women wear tightly around the belly after the delivery of a baby. The garment is expected to fit quite snugly around the abdomen to enhance the benefits of compression.
How do I know that my postpartum comfort girdle is the best?
To know a high-quality postpartum comfort girdle, look out for girdles made from breathable and flexible fabrics that wrap around the torso and support the bottom and crotch for a more detailed fit. Because of the design of the comfort girdle, it provides a stronger level of compression and is way comfortable underneath clothing.
How long should I wear my girdle after pregnancy?
Now every woman’s journey is different. So how long you should wear your girdle depends on your recovery journey and how you personally intend to wear your garment.
Postpartum Comfort girdles are an essential tool to help you lose that stubborn belly fat so set your own pace.
Wearing a postpartum comfort girdle after childbirth? A step by step guide
0-6 weeks postpartum
For this period, we recommend using an adjustable garment, starting on the loosest setting that still provides some amount of compression and support (meaning it should be not too tight but it shouldn’t be able to just slip off or move around).
At this stage, you don’t have to wear a girdle all the time for it to be effective. Or is also advisable that you wear for short periods, particularly when you’re sitting up or standing and need more support.
6-12 weeks postpartum
Now, you can experiment more with your girdle’s compression level at this stage. Try tightening it and see how it feels. Continuing to wear a waist-slimming garment will provide abdominal support and encourage body positivity.
This is also a great time to start working out with girdles or waist trainers designed for workouts.
3 months and beyond
Here is when you can begin waist training for up to 8-13 hours a day. Try wearing your waist cincher as tightly as you comfortably can each day. We maintain that your comfort girdle shouldn’t cause pain if it fits correctly, but it should feel quite comfortable and will encourage you to maintain a good posture.
What you should note:
It is important that you listen to your body during this phase. If a garment is ever uncomfortable or painful, take it off immediately and try a more comfortable girdle. As the weeks progress, you can try tightening your comfort girdle and wearing it for longer periods—again, listening to what your body says. You should also note that postpartum comfort girdles will not perform magic overnight and works with a healthy lifestyle.
For the best results, maintain a wholesome nutritious diet and follow an exercise regimen that includes a generous mix of cardio, flexibility and balance exercises.
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