When it comes to taking care of your vagina, there is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. The vagina didn’t exactly come with a handbook or manual on how it should be taken care of, but experience from menstruation, having sex, birthing a baby, and visiting of the gynae

Diastasis Recti is a postpartum abdominal condition faced by most women after pregnancy and is rarely talked about by many. During pregnancy, the body does a lot of extraordinary things to accommodate the growing baby and one of them is the expansion of the muscles in the abdomen

There is no better feeling after having a long day than coming home and removing your bra. Usually like a surge of relief, allowing fresh air to wash over your body. Most women at one point in their life must have wished to go braless.  After all, before Africa was colonized, wo

There are several drug-free and natural ways to improve your sex drive. Naturally, Libido or sex drive varies between individuals and having a low sex drive can develop due to certain factors that might be medical, psychological, or emotional issues.  Parsley Health Research

When faced with Vaginal yeast Infection, your first reaction would certainly be centred on how to treat and get rid of the itchiness as fast as humanly possible. Vaginal yeast infection which is also called Vulvovaginal candidiasis is caused by an overgrowth fungus that naturally

If your body goes in, out, in again and out, then you are familiar with Hips dips. Hips dips are inward depression along the side of your body below the hip bone. It is also called Violin hips. Where the curved have indentations, like a dent on the body. These indentations might