We all have that patch of fat in the most annoying places that just won’t disappear no matter how long you spend in the gym or how balanced and minimal your diet is. Especially around the midsection. Yes, the body needs some pockets of fat to store energy for later but for

In the fit-fam world, there is a lot of debate about whether the best way to shed pounds is through diet and exercise, slimming teas, or tablet supplements. The one with the most controversy is the ever-popular slimming tea. Most of the products under this category help you contr

There’s much going on when it comes to shapewear that it’s easy to get confused at the startling array of the choices available. It is said that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so very few people are a perfect ten or the dreamy ‘figure 8’ depending

The struggle against unwanted fat is real, especially around the stomach and other body parts. As the human body ages, the ability to produce elastin and collagen, which keep skin firm and luscious, begins to diminish. Though this is a general progression of life, it can be slowe