Tag: Body

Upper Arm Fat – Discover Two Pathways of Losing Them Fast

Beautiful ladies! Gather round for a quick exercise. Undress your upper body, lift your hands to a 900 angle from the face, and slightly shake it vigorously. Between your elbow and the armpit, do you see a flab of flesh jiggling about as you shake your hand? That dear friend is upper arm fat which […]


Exilis – Fat Reduction Skin Tightening Treatment

The struggle against unwanted fat is real, especially around the stomach and other body parts. As the human body ages, the ability to produce elastin and collagen, which keep skin firm and luscious, begins to diminish. Though this is a general progression of life, it can be slowed down with a consistently great diet and […]


Buccal Fat – Important Information to Know Before Surgery

Do you have round facial features? Or you probably have fat on your face in all the places you wished you did not have fat? Join the club! Thanks to modern technology, there’s been a boom in public interest in the facial sculpted aesthetic. Social media, especially Instagram, is rife with pictures of individuals displaying […]


Mastopexy- Understanding the Breast Lift Procedure

For ages, women have been worried about the look of their breasts, whether in clothes or out of clothes. However, it is a natural and very normal process of life that gravity will show up regarding the breast at some point in a woman’s life. It is often alarming for a lady to stand in […]


Sculptra Butt Lift – The Much Talked About Alternative.

Not everyone is born with a round or full derriere! Though it is the stuff of dreams to be blessed with a whole backside and slide into any snug-fitting clothing that accentuates it. Do you want to know how to achieve this? Today, let’s talk about Sculptra, we keep getting questions and comments in the […]


Endermologie v. Velashape: Comparing the Cellulite Popular Treatment

No one likes to wake up to the reality that their skin has been invaded by the unsightly irregular dimples known as cellulite. Though non-life threatening or uncomfortable, it can be annoying and unattractive to people who suffer from it. Historically, this visually unappealing ailment has perturbed women (but very few males) in the hips, […]


Liposuction v. Tummy Tuck v. Cool Sculpting

A smooth, toned-looking, flat tummy or a body with the right amount of fat in all the right curvy places is the epitome of attractiveness. It is the dream of every fashionista, young or old. Some people only require a healthy diet and regular exercise to reach this dream. For the rest of us lesser […]


Thermage – The Facial Tightening Solution to Facial Skin Wrinkling

No one understands the psychological effects of facial wrinkles like the African woman. With the intensity of the weather, it’s a wonder we don’t have a sunscreen factory per mile radius, but let’s not digress. Facial skin wrinkling or sagging is not a respecter of race, age, or gender, and everyone at some point has […]
